February 4, 2011

Bunco...or Birthday Group?

When we graduated from college in 2004 (wow, that seems like forever ago) we thought we would be super grown-up and start a Bunco group.  It was the new, hot game that women all over were playing so we figured, why not?  Here was our plan:  we would meet once a month at Brooke's house (she was the only home-owner at the time), eat snacks, drink cocktails, and play Bunco.  But here's what happened: we met once a month at Brooke's house, ate take-out, drank cocktails, and talked, laughed, and just enjoyed being girls!  So, 7 years later we still have never played one game of Bunco but we are still meeting and doing what we love!  We now try and meet during everyone's birthday month.  And here's what generally happens: we end up eating sushi, mexican, or our local favorite Adam's Bistro.  We drink cocktails! (If we're not pregnant of course!)  We bring fun gifts!  Brooke never brings a gift but always pays for the birthday girl's dinner!  Jami and Lindsey always go in on a gift together.  There is always....ALWAYS a yummy cake!  And we talk and laugh for hours! 
So I ask, are we still the Bunco Group, or should we change to the Birthday Group?  Whatever we are I can guarantee you one thing, we are pretty darn fun!
This fun group of ladies standing behind us just happened to be a "Birthday Group" too!  They gave us the helpful tip to continue this for years to come!  I think we will try and do just that!


  1. Yay! I love this post! It makes me happy!

  2. I love this too! I am thankful for all of you and I pray that we will be that group of ladies 20 years from now!

  3. Aww, you girls are so beautiful!:) miss you all!

  4. I love us!! Bunco or Birthday, we are blessed to have each other! Great post Mare! I am so thankful for each of you! And Jame I am SURE we will be those ladies 20 years from now! Kris, we miss you and wish you lived in Greenville... you are a Bunco girl in spirit. :)

  5. I agree...we are fun! ;)
    And I totally agree with you Kristy, Kristen MOVE TO GREENVILLE! :)
    Love you all!
